Victorian Halls – Springteen

Victorian Halls – SpringteenSelf-releasedChicago is a long way from Seattle, but apparently The Blood Brothers are working in the fine state of Illinois under the pseudonym Victorian Halls. Maybe not, but if imitation truly is a form of flattery, then The Blood Brothers must be extremely flattered by Springteen.

Weezer – Self-Titled (The Red Album)

Weezer – Self-Titled (The Red Album)DGC From the same band that has already brought you two other self-titled albums (cleverly dubbed The Blue Album and The Green Album) comes a new self-titled album (once again, cleverly dubbed The Red Album). Weezer’s latest record is quite confusing and begs the question, “¿Como, Cuomo?”

Safe Summer Beauty Products – Pacifica, Honeybee Cosmetics, Mode De Vie

Pacifica Portland, OR-based company Pacifica was started by co-founders Brook Harvey and Billy Taylor, offering phthalate-free candles and body products. In 2007, Pacifica became carbon neutral by reducing carbon pollution wherever possible, planting trees to counteract unavoidable emissions. They also use soy, which is a clean-burning substance, and embrace the 4 R’s as much as […]

TOPR – Marathon Of Shame

Long before he ever slept on my couch, I knew TOPR as the dude who would ignite a show with a vicious freestyle then slang you a tape and spit another verse for free on your way out. He was everywhere dope rap was in Frisco, and you never forgot him because he was that […]