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Victorian Halls – Springteen

Victorian HallsSpringteen

Chicago is a long way from Seattle, but apparently The Blood Brothers are working in the fine state of Illinois under the pseudonym Victorian Halls. Maybe not, but if imitation truly is a form of flattery, then The Blood Brothers must be extremely flattered by Springteen.


Once you get over the fact that this is, indeed, not The Blood Brothers, you’ll find yourself listening to a fun and energetic album. The music is spastic, chaotic, engaging, unconventional (except that it’s unoriginal), and minimalist in structure. Considering that this album is self-released, the quality of sound and production rival most large labels. Punk-rock may be an understatement.

Springteen seems nothing more than an acceptable alternative for those who can’t wait for the release of the next The Blood Brothers album. If you need a spas-punk-rock fix, Victorian Halls are dealing.


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