Fancy Tiger Gets Their Obama Kit On When I first saw the Shepard Fairey Obama shirt, I flipped my perverbial wig. Of course, by the time I got out of traction, all the shirts were gone as well as the posters. I was happy to find out that of course, more were printed and available […]
The DNC Arrives in Denver
The DNC Arrives in Denver We’re almost here. The 2008 Democratic National Convention is just around the corner, as thousands stream into Denver, filling up all those expensively priced hotels this weekend. Although the preparation for this historical event in our city started months ago, getting the scoop on what is really taking place during […]
Tent State and Rage Against the Machine
Support the Troops?
Support the Troops? Another guest column here, this time from someone who’s been on both sides of the Iraq war. Lucas Siegel served in Iraq during the original invasion, and has dealt with the cutbacks in veterans’ benefits since returning home. He shares a few thoughts on the ‘Support the Troops’ mantra. My name is […]
Acceptable Campaign Coverage?
Acceptable Campaign Coverage? In this lull in the campaign cycle, post-primary but pre-convention, it seems like a good time to mull over just what is proper campaign coverage. If you’re reading this, you probably agree with us that the 24-hour media cycle hasn’t produced an improvement in the news, and instead it’s often produced non-stories […]
Bomb Iran? Bush’s Covert Operations
The Veepstakes
The Veepstakes. As promised. Obama and McCain are both on the search for a running mate. There are articles and blogs all over the place on the subject, but who would I be if I didn’t weigh in? Both campaigns have committees searching, vetting, and trying to figure out who’s least likely to be swift-boated […]
Now on to the Good Part – Barack Obama Democratic Nominee
Now on to the good part. We have a nominee. Hillary Clinton made a surprisingly moving concession speech on Saturday that has people all over the blogosphere singing its praises. She urged her supporters to get behind Barack Obama and work to get him elected. And now we have the first African-American presidential nominee of […]
Nuclear Renaissance or Radiaion Relapse?
Nuclear Renaissance or Radiation Relapse? This week, Political Buzz is happy to bring you a guest column on energy policy from a fellow political junkie, Lance Duroni. Enjoy! Red Alert! Disciples of the interminable campaign, we are receiving a transmission from the situation room: Hillary Clinton just drop-kicked Robert F. Kennedy’s tombstone and snuffed out […]
“White” America – HIllary Clinton Voter Base
“White” America. Now you know that I don’t like to play around with gotcha journalism and spend hours discussing one comment made by one candidate. I had a post all ready to write, about how George McGovern, the 1972 Democratic nominee who was soundly defeated by Richard Nixon, changed his endorsement from Hillary Clinton to […]