The Kaffeine Buzz Show – Episode 23 – Hoxton Radio

This week’s episode started with a dedication to the artists and musicians we lost in 2012, including Joe Maher, the guitarist from Flowered Up who recently passed. Featured a new remix of Bear in Heaven, a bit about the Rolling Stone’s new doc, “Crossfire Hurricane,” news on Denver’s Mancub and Cceruleann dance acts, plus Hot […]

Japandroids U.S. Fall / Winter Tour 2012

There we were, holed up at the Walnut Room the night of the presidential election, glued to the glowing TVs as CNN spewed their gibber-gabber on one and on another, to Comedy Central, awaiting for Jon Stewart’s Daily Show to weigh in. Before Mr. Stewart could weigh in, Tosh.O was in the house…donning a Japandroids […]