Junior Boys – Last Exit

Dim the lights, break out the fake bear rug, and fire up the place with this voluptuous, effervescent silk ensemble of sultry sexiness. To hell with the electro-pop, daytime masquerade. This is all about the midnight train to the land of rotating beds and mirrored ceilings.

Green Day – American Idiot

Every so often, pop-punk bands grow up. They get sick of singing about the girl next door and their bike, and start digging a little deeper. Green Day has decided to do that on American Idiot, a full-on theatrical concept album that might make you think, while still holding on to the band’s core following.

The Crown – Crowned Unholy (CD/DVD)

The swan song to a 14-year musical journey, Crowned Unholy is a fitting exclamation point to the collective career of the most rock-n-roll of the death metal elite, Sweden’s The Crown. The album is a re-worked and re-mastered version of the band’s 2002 release, Crowned in Terror, with newly recorded vocals and bass parts and […]

Moments in Grace, Further Seems Forever, The Kicks – September 21, 2004 – Bluebird Theater, Denver

Moments in Grace

Take away the tight jeans, shaggy dark hair, and undersized T-shirts, and you have the typical Clear Channel-tailored act with heavy guitar riffs and the occasional brooding and introspective song. Moments in Grace can be described in a brief statement: modern rock in a candy-coated emo shell. Major labels like Atlantic have perfected this new […]