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El Vez – Endless Revolution/G.I. Ay Ay Blues

I’m a total sucker for a play on words.

in the day when my friend Leticia and I sauntered into one of our local haunts, Ajax in San Jose, we were always surprised and never disappointed by the talent that cross that small little stage. One night in December we were taken aback what could only be deemed as the best of both words—Elvis, which was a staple on our record player at home my entire childhood, and a machismo man of my people (at least my mom’s Latin side). Since mi amiga and I are both of similar descent and very used to the mixed world of white and brown, it was delight at first sight: this Mexican Elvis, donned in a holiday inspired lounge ensemble with two accompanying back up singers, the Elvettes, who were dressed in Santa’s Helpers from south of the border, hotsy tosty, get ups.


But it was the salsa remixed recipes of old Elvis favorites that got the entire crowd going, taking “Viva Las Vegas” into the land of “Viva La Raza” or “You Ain’t Nothin’ But A Chihuahua.”

It’s some 12 years later and this velvet Elvis is looking as spicy as ever, back to take on the presidential election, pushing his campaign to his local folks in his hometown of Seattle. Even Eddie Vedder is on his campaign bandwagon. El Vez has also re-issued G.I. Ay Ay Blues with an enhanced CD that includes unreleased bonus tracks and videos of my all time favorite, “Say It Loud! I’m Brown and I’m Proud!” G.I. includes some of the greats that made him the king of rock and rolled burritos, “Cesar Chavez ’96,” Taking Care of Business,” and “Power to the People.”

As far as I’m concerned, he is already el presidente. El Vez has more hunka, hunka burning love appeal in one hair of his little, groomed mustache than Ricky Martin has in his whole International Male body (what ever happened to that guy anyway?). His whole troupe is coming here to Denver Wednesday, October 6 at the BlueBird, and this is a show not to be missed. A great after show drink is the Mojito at Mezcals (ask for the coconut rum).

Four More Years of El Vez!


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