David Bowie Is Immortal – His Gifts to the World Live On Forever

The world received a right blow to the soul today on the passing of David Bowie. Although we knew he had suffered from health problems over the years that caused the canceling of performance dates, we were shocked that he’d hidden his battle with cancer for the last eighteen months. That unto itself, that Bowie […]

The Year of the Sharing Data Economy – Lineup Live

Image: Lollapalooza, TradableBits [This article appeared originally on LineupLive.com, a contributed article by Kim Owens.] The year of cashless. The year of beacons. The year of RFID. I think it’s also the year of the Goat, if I’m not mistaken. Thing is, it’s the year for all of it in 2015. The one thing tying […]