Crash (Paul Haggis)


Crash (Paul Haggis) It is such a rare event to see an excellent film, especially an excellent film on social commentary. This category is made up by just a handful of movies because the excellence is typically lost in over dramatization or flat out bias. Some of the only movies that meet the prestigious criteria […]

Sanawon – Tiny Airplane


Small things can come in dynamite packages. Such is the case of the petite singer Jenny Choi and her Tiny Airplane. Choi has been going solo for some time, tagging on tours with the likes of dreamy, contemplative pop stars like Seam and Versus, but these days she co-pilots Sanawon with drummer Philip Stone. Choi […]

Sinai Beach – Immersed

Sinai Beach

Remember riding your bike when you were like 12, turning on to an unfamiliar street, and encountering your first experience with death metal blaring from the inside of the house that had the coyote/wolf blanket hung in the window as a curtain—then pedaling home in fear to watch something wholesome like Saved By The Bell, […]