AXS Thinks Just Like Heaven is Another EDM Festival

The line-up for Goldenvoice’s Just Like Heaven festival sent waves of excitement through the social-sphere. With indie and electro rock star acts like the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Phoenix, The Faint, Neon Indian, Washed Out, Passion Pit, STRFKR, The Rapture, Beach House, MGMT, and Peter, Bjorn and John, my friend and I immediately confirmed, “We’re SO […]

KBuzz Video of the Day: Outside Lands 2011 Lineup Video (plus do’s & don’ts)

Outside Lands Line Up Video - KBuzz Video of the Day

 If you don’t count Phish or John Old-Fogy-Fogherty, today’s Outside Lands 2011 lineup announcement has some damn good acts on the bill; albeit the acts listed in the slightly smaller font size on said bill. The festival takes place each year at San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park in August; 2011 dates are August 12 – […]

SXSW Music Festival Day Three – March 14, 2008 – Austin, TX – Jef Hoskins (photos: Jef Hoskins)


SXSW is perfect for those afflicted with Attention Deficit Disorder. For those with focus and specific goals, it can be a miserable nightmare. Conflicting schedule entries become a lottery of choices involving mile-long walks that often result in a rush to a venue just to wait for a tardy band. Or worse, you arrive to […]