The F-Ups – Self-Titled

It’s easy to walk away from something that is, on the surface, just another rehash of everything that people hate about the pop punk genre. It’s even easier to crap all over it when it’s backed by Capitol Records. But a brief conversation with these 18-year-olds from Rochester, Minnesota, changes everything. Soon, it becomes apparent […]

Fahrenheit 9/11 (Michael Moore)

Fahrenheit 9/11

fahrenheit 9/11 (michael moore) There are staunch conservatives and Republicans that are already rallying against this movie site unseen, and for good reason. One can expect that their scared of losing control of the White House. Of those that were on the fence and were part of a focus group in Michigan, they left with […]

RJD2 – Since Last We Spoke


Every day, I’m amazed by the phenomenon of hip-hop, the way the sportsmanship of the scene demands a higher and higher quality of players each passing year, and the way that the true fanatics are willing to not only acknowledge the roots that they have in all different kinds of music, but are also incorporating […]