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The Sadies – Favourite Colours

The Sadies

I love The Sadies. I first saw them on a crowded stage in New Orleans–my friend’s band was opening for them. We figured we’d stick around for a couple of songs and then get drinks elsewhere. We ended up staying for their whole set, and buying CD’s. This Toronto band sounded like nothing I’d heard before, and in the best way possible.

Unfortunately, that CD was stolen not long afterward, so I can’t tell you how it measured up to Favourite Colours, their newest release. Their name sounds like they should be a rockabilly band, but they bear only a passing resemblance to such a thing. Instead, this album has a relentlessly ’60s feel to it. Dreamy, harmonic vocals blend with instrumental tracks to sweep you off your feet.

I remember loving the deep, almost Nick Cave-y vocals of this band, but alas, those hardly show up here. The Sadies aren’t concerned with what anyone expects, obviously. They’re too busy making music that picks you up and leaves you deep in a dreamscape, wondering just who those lyrics are aimed at, anyway.


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