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Opiate For The Masses – The Spore

Rock music is a boundary that many bands try and face but fail to stand out. Not Opiate For The Masses. With so many different styles, this Arizona based quartet breaks down that wall.

The Spore is the band’s first full length, but you get the impression that they’re seasoned artists on their fifth release. Styles change with almost every song; sweeping you off your feet with unexpected grandeur. “Introduction” delivers more than a mere entry: it is an all-out great rock song. Two more amazing tracks, “Can’t Feel” and “Up To Me” come follow up with that Opiate intensity, then things take a turn on “Drown and Clean,” delving into their darker side that changes the mood entirely.


Bringing the energy back up, “Step Up” grinds at your ears, right before “Intermission,” as the name explains, heads full force into a trance-like noise canal. “Heaven and Now” will impose an aggressive attack, and then you’re back again with the translucent “Transparency” the piano laced “Interlude #2”. Nothing Left dazes you out with its beauty and trance. Closing up is “The End,” so charged, it tears your to shreds in three minutes.

It’s amazing to believe that this is their first full-length album. The Spore has so many different styles it is bound to grab you somehow. Opiate For The Masses are further ahead of most bands on their first time out, and it shows.


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