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Houston Calls – A Collection of Short Stories

One of the best things about the annual Warped tour is the opportunity to grab some incredible compilation records. This year I picked up an indie tribute album to the Counting Crows that has pretty much been in my CD player since the tour came through town on July 17.


In my exploration of this compilation sent from god I came across Houston Call’s little contribution to the record through their cover of “Einstein on the Beach.” The song that included synthesizers and talented piano play was a great take on a great song. So with an already positive schema I wasn’t surprised that I enjoyed Houston Call’s, A Collection of Short Stories.

This alternative feeling pop punk record was a welcomed anthem for my college move into Ft. Collins. Although some parts were a little too chirpy, the guitar and lyrics created an acceptable balance. The lyrics were essential in giving this record credibility, since anything that met a less than intelligent level might have left me with a Fall Out Boy after taste.

Nevertheless, that didn’t occur because of tracks like “Bob and Bonnie” and “Elephant and Castle,” that were crafted as stories (as the album’s title would indicate), a contrast in style to the typical “feeling” foundation used within this genre. Although this record’s style is drastically over used, Houston Calls squeaked by and created an album that’s far enough away from the Relient K formula to give it standing.


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