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Listening to any type of music, the brain cannot help itself from flashing imagery of all sorts. When The LashesGet It starts to rock, the mind-produced music video starts to roll, sporting frontman Ben twisting his lanky body to and fro with early Elvis Costelloesque maneuvers from the SNL days of the ‘80s. The remaining band members chime in with perfect rock star formations, pulling together the kind of style young men want to emulate and young girls want to have in their beds.


“Please, please, please let me get what I want/ Today, right now,” Ben (it seems the band members have only first names, much like Cher and Madonna) wails, and the listener is bent to comply. Six years after The Lashes’ inception in Seattle, he’s got the right to ask for a few things. Following the release of The Stupid Stupid EP on Lookout! Records, the making of Get It employed producer John Goodmanson (Sleater-Kinney, Blonde Redhead) for the major label debut on Red Ink/Columbia.

The lyrical subject matter doesn’t proclaim to solve the world’s problems, make a political statement, or take the listener to another dimension. Rather, this is about the dance party at the end of a grueling week where all you want to do is close your eyes, shake your body and sing along to “Yesterday feels like a year! / And it looks like I’m still standing here!”

This is perfect Friday night music, whether you’re blasting it in your car on the way to meet friends or are bouncing around your apartment with a blender full of ‘ritas, just Get It already.