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This Day and Age – …Always Leave the Ground

This Day and Age

Short story about a girl: chorus, verse, chorus, bridge…crying on the bridge. The vocals remind me of Get Up Kids and Minus the Bear. Everything else reminds of albums I have never listened to because they are a dime a dozen. I am begging for innovation here. I implore, put the word progress back in “chord progression.”

Big guitar lead-in that leads to an introductory lyric, marked by a subtle four-time rim-shot on the snare… Yup, then a notably catchy chorus; but, it’s just not quite enough.

There are rare moments when the drums wander from the familiar path—and it’s not by accident. While there are a couple of decent numbers on this LP (take for example, “Tomorrow is Waiting” and “History is Falling For Science”), it needs at least one track that forays into territory that sets This Day and Age apart from the other boys in bands with girl troubles.


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