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Soilwork – Stabbing the Drama

Soilwork - Stabbing the Drama

Traveling alone in a car for two days I decided to use the new release by Soilwork to keep me company. Putting the Stabbing The Drama in my CD player I had no idea of what I’d be getting myself into. I soon found out. Intensity stormed through my speakers, whipping at my ears and keeping me stuck to my seat. Suddenly beautiful noise crept through, releasing me, only for me to be forced down again. I was a slave to Soilwork for the next hour.

Stabbing The Drama is packed full of some of the best hardcore/metal music around. Raging with plenty of guitar grit and some amazing solo’s, each track is composed greatly with a mix of eerie keys that teeter in the background while the drums take center stage, full of above and beyond playing that incorporates a huge dose of double bass. Power and melody never fit so beautifully together.

The vocals were extraordinary as well and were the highlight of this album. Melodic singing sprinkled and flowed eloquently through each song with an even smothering of screams, which was pleasing to my ears. The way it all fit together, I was in shock.

To be quite honest, I made one of the biggest mistakes ever. Before putting Stabbing The Drama in my player, I figured it would just be another cliché’ heavy album. I was convinced and proven wrong. After eleven tracks, I wasn’t free from the vice it had me in. I brushed myself off realizing I needed it over again.


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