For many years SXSW has seen representatives from all over the world migrate to Austin to connect, promote and learn. In the last five years in particular, more foreign country governments – Germany, France, Spain, Netherlands, Ireland, Chile, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore – and have invested in sending their companies and people […]
How Insomniac is Tapping Tech to Improve Fans Experience in 2015
SXSW 2015 Music – BRONCHO’s New Video for “NC-17” + European, UK Tour
SXSW GO and Eventbase Take Networking to the Next Level
SXSW is intense. It’s massive. There’s an opportunity at every turn to make friendships, to make connections that are mutually beneficial for your business, career, or for hitting the parties. This year attendees using the SXSW® GO will notice a new in-app social networking feature, Around Me, introduced by the app’s developer, Eventbase.
Rolling Papers Documentary World Premier at SXSW Film 2015
“We’re ground zero,” said Ricardo Baca in regards to our home of Colorado, the first state to legalize marijuana for recreational use. The first-ever marijuana editor for Denver’s news outlet, The Cannabist, Baca had just emerged from the private screening of Rolling Papers, the documentary that will premier at this year’s SXSW.
The State of Festival Connectivity – Past, Present and Future
This week I contributed an article for the stellar source for all things festival business, Festival Insights, which focused on the challenges with festival connectivity and new developments in this space. The piece includes excerpts of research and interviews with festival organisers and event technology providers for The Connected Festival™ Report. The report, which cover […]
Catfish and the Bottlemen Play Larimer on Their Way to SXSW 2015
[Photos by Kyle Cooper] I first heard of the Welsh band Catfish and the Bottlemen before I’d actually heard their music. It was during the Association of Independent Festivals Congress, a conference where festival organizers from around the UK and Europe gather to discuss all facets of the business.
Playing SXSW Culture Collide – Carl Barât, BRONCHO, Gang of Four, Palma Violets
One of the must-attend SXSW events has announced their line up and RSVP – Filter Magazine’s Culture Collide party. Returning to Bar 96 at Rainey St. and once again partnering with Dr. Martens, an exciting bevy of artists is in store, including Carl Barât‘s return to SXSW with his new outfit, The Jackals, BRONCHO, Gang […]
British Music Embassy at SXSW 2015 – BBC Introducing Showcase
For those of us who are fanatics for indie music that emerges out of the U.K., the small venue on San Jacinto and 6th Street, Latitude 30, becomes the haven known as the British Music Embassy Showcase during SXSW. The first glimmer of what’s in store for 2015 has surfaced, as BBC Introducing announced their […]
BRONCHO – Tour with Billy Idol and SXSW 2015
Oklahoma’s BRONCHO (bron-cho, not bronco, as in the Denver NFL team) are known to perform in the oddest places: a convenience store, the middle of the street, in a record store. Okay, so the latter is pretty common, but when their raw and dirgy garage rock splashes against the art deco walls of Denver’s Paramount […]