Super Tuesday Results

There was one big loser on Super Tuesday, and it was Mitt Romney. Sure, he won Massachusetts, the state he used to govern, and Utah, with its large Mormon population. He also took North Dakota. But it wasn’t enough to slow John McCain’s momentum. Romney dropped out the next day, leaving three candidates theoretically in […]

Ron Paul

It’s the eve of Super Tuesday, and your humble correspondent is completely exhausted. Candidates were dropping too quickly for me to get interviews on all of them, but since my predictions at the beginning of all this were completely wrong, we may have another few weeks or even months of Primary Season before the candidates […]

Super Tuesday Approaches

Super Tuesday Approaches. John Edwards is out of the race. Rudy Giuliani is out of the race (and we hardly even got to see him run!). It’s down to two candidates on the Democratic side, who even now are squaring off in possibly their last debate, and four on the Republican side, though John McCain […]