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Five Style Fist – EP to Left Right In The Middle

Kaffeine Buzz doesn’t often review EPs. In the case of locals Five Style Fist there wasn’t a question that an exception would be made. With just three tracks, this introduction to their upcoming full-length Left Right In The Middle overflows with more musical substance than many CDs with three times as many tracks – quality, not quantity my fine folks.


The opening track “Mad World” has a hook heavy chorus, and although the topic of discussion is a rocky laden foundation and falling empires, the transitions are smooth as silk, complete with tinkling chimes and bubbling jazz essence. And while it clocks in at a whopping 7:19 minutes, I could not find any aspect of the song that could logically be pulled in order to make it more radio ready for short attention span theater.

The level of production and depth of their songwriting continues through the two following songs, showing just how much the group has evolved in the last year. The layers of instrumentation are woven into ornate tapestry, rich in deep colors and texture. The background vocals play the perfect yin to their lead yang, as is the case on “Hunger Pains.”

Five Style Fist are throwing down their release party this Friday, March 11 at the Gothic with Sound Project, P-Nuckle, Optimal Frequency and Boondok Saints.


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