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AT THE BREAK TAKE – TEDxSoMA’s “Modern Campfires”

I’m excited to announce that I’m teaming up with fellow music geek and creative, content leader, Melissa Bolin, to launch a new podcast and media source, AT THE BREAK.

Our plan is to invite thought leaders, creators, and industry influencers in entertainment, technology, business, non-profit, social justice and advocacy to share their voices, featuring female-identifying, LGBTQA+, people of color, and people with disabilities. We discuss the who, why and how in this world are changing it for the better; and how technology, biz, & entertainment play a part, while addressing our collective roles in continuing progress.

Bolin has been getting the ATB content ball rolling, including her piece, “Julian Delgado, Mazin Jamal, and fnnch. TEDxSoMA’s ‘Modern Campfires’ talks inclusion, mindfulness and self-awareness” that shared her recent experience at the renowned community gathering.

TEDxSoMa heated up the traditional “‘round the campfire” conversation by welcoming some of the most powerful voices in our local community of San Francisco, our own urban campfire setting if you will, to talk inclusion, mindfulness and self-awareness.

Award-winning Colombian writer, Julian Delgado, powerfully took the stage. Julian’s work includes the insatiable, ¡Cuéntamelo!, a collection of bilingual oral histories by LGBT Latinx immigrants and transformistas, as well as Quiéreme, written in Spanglish, this passionate read of short stories is a dynamic example of the raw human component that this world needs more appreciation of today.

Read the rest of the article here and stay tuned for more ATB news and articles.


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