Football, football, footblah. There’s certainly a buzz about Superbowl Sunday, and while we can all appreciate funny commercials (hopefully 2009 will prove to be better than past Superbowls), the thought of getting cool new clothes for free could send many hearts racing faster than a Hail Mary Pass. This Saturday there’s another party in town […]
New Eco-Options, now with more Elephant Poo!
Ellie’s Eco Home Store opened its doors to Boulder on Saturday, November 15, 2008. While it’s no surprise that the store is launching in the heart of Colorado’s well-to-do, enviro-yoga-laden community, the store embraces a mission that consumers everywhere need to learn to embrace…before it’s too late. The goal of Ellie’s is to facilitate an […]
Monolith 2008 Picks
Tokyo Police Club – Elephant Shell
Tokyo Police Club has been getting chatted up since their inception in 2005 without blowing up, which is odd in this readymade and ready-to-be-exploited era of indie pop. Rather, up to now, TPC have been on a slow-burn path toward a lasting musical career by amassing a solid underground following. But with Tokyo Police Club’s […]
CSS (Cansei De Ser Sexy) – Donkey
“We didn’t come into the world to walk around. We came here to take you out.” Thus boasts (and toasts) Lovefoxxx, lead singer of Cansei de Ser Sexy (aka CSS), on “Yager Yoga” from their sophomore release Donkey. This is their first album released completely to the Subpop imprint, which joined with Warner Brothers to […]
Origins – New Shades for Fall – Eye Shadow and Flower Fusion Lipstick
First we heard that lead was appearing in toys manufactured in China. Unfortunately, the news about lead appearing in lipstick, which is digested by those who wear it, didn’t make the headlines. And it took some online investigation skills to get the real story. As many are learning about the physical affects of certain foods […]
You Don’t Know: Ninja Cuts (Disc Three)
You Don’t Know: Ninja Cuts (Disc Three)Ninja TuneAside from the mysterious missing track, and out-of-order songlisting on Disc Three of the Ninja Tune compilation You Don’t Know: Ninja Cuts, this disc was pleasing from the start. Lucky for me, I knew what Coldcut’s “Atomic Moog” sounded like from their previous 97’ release, Let Us Play, […]
You Don’t Know: Ninja Cuts (Disc One)
You Don’t Know: Ninja Cuts (Disc One)Ninja TuneThe first thing that strikes me as clever about Ninjatune’s latest and fifth compilation, You Don’t Know: Ninja Cuts, is the simple ambiguous meaning of the title. Consider this: If you know about Ninja Tune artists, you generally know what to expect—broken beats, experimental electronic, jazzy downtempo, elements […]
You Don’t Know: Ninja Cuts (Disc Two)
You Don’t Know: Ninja Cuts (Disc Two)Ninja TuneEven as an experienced Ninja Tune fan and listener, disc two of You Don’t Know: Ninja Cuts took me for a bit of a loop inside my bouncy rubber-sided head. As mentioned in the previous review that the listener can never know exactly what to think and expect […]
Victorian Halls – Springteen
Victorian Halls – SpringteenSelf-releasedChicago is a long way from Seattle, but apparently The Blood Brothers are working in the fine state of Illinois under the pseudonym Victorian Halls. Maybe not, but if imitation truly is a form of flattery, then The Blood Brothers must be extremely flattered by Springteen.