RiP! A Remix Manifesto (Brett Gaylor) – SXSW 2009 Who owns ideas? If an artist creates a truly unique color for a painting, and if another artist thinks, “Cool! I’m going to use that color for my painting,” would the original artist be justified in suing for copyright infringement? Sure, a color could be considered […]
SXSW Music Day 4 – Saturday, March 21, 2009
The last day of Music at SXSW 2009, featuring shots from the amazing Natalie Portman’s Shaved Head at SxSeattle, New Faces, pre-party pics at the Vans AP Party, Bottle Rocket, Bring Me The Horizon, PJ Harvey, Kissy Sell Out, and a late night DJ set from the Datarock boys.
SXSW Music Day 3 – Friday, March 20, 2009
The third day of music at SXSW 2009, featuring Women and Hatcham Social at the Levis/Fader Fort Party, Fader festivities, and night coverage including Bonjour Brumaire, Funeral Party, and Airborne Toxic Event.