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Boys Night Out – Make Yourself Sick

When I hear the term “boy’s night out” I think of those Coors Light commercials where the guys head out for the night, their brains tucked safely in the crotch of their pants, with the world and all the babes at their feet, the two left ones of which are attempting to impress the ladies on the dance floor. Between the band’s name and the album title I didn’t have high hopes for this one.

These guys took themselves off the Warped Tour to tour with Saves the Day, which is a shame (but a good match all the same), because I think they would have really hooked the girlie fans of Story of the Year or Taking Back Sunday, and they wouldn’t hesitate to pull out their lunch money to buy a Boys Night Out tank top. Ironically, their second track on the album is titled “(Just Once) Let’s Do Something Different.” Maybe they weren’t thinking that the pop punk vocals infused with the metal-esque screams and riffs were included in their thematic intention.

They redeem themselves from that ‘pop punk meets hardcore’ label on track 10, “Yea, No…I Know,” where the lyrical aspect and moonlight moon at midnight spotlights the darker side of a person’s introspection. “Someone call an ambulance/ because something’s not right/ This time I’m in over my head/ It took time to fashion this noose from fine threads of self abuse/ But it fits your neck perfectly/ Securely/ I’ve made a million messes/ And I’ll make a million more.”

Ferret Music has been putting out some pretty meaty releases, including Candiria and Twelve Trees, so they had to have seen something in these Boys. The only thing I can say is they rock and they rock hard. You can almost see and feel the spit spewing from vocalist Connor Lovat-Fraser. And they’re said to have a good sense of humor, although they may not find humor in my measly comments.


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