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Kaffeine Buzz Launches TheConnected.Buzz Weekly Newsletter

For a number of years now, Kaffeine Buzz has been reporting on event technology trends, publishing deep-dive articles on festival live streaming, VR and AR, and multi-part series on the growth of streaming content in television, film, and sports, while weaving research into the shift of advertising and branding and how that’s impacting entertainment and its fans.

Now you can receive all those content goodies conveniently in your inbox each week via TheConnected.Buzz newsletter.

As I stated in the first newsletter, the goal of TheConnected.Buzz is to help all of us connect the dots between business and branding, technology and fan delight, safety and healthy risk-taking. The intent is to keep us all connected by sharing experiences and insights throughout the year and spotlighting how those in the industry are melding the traditional business practices and tools with new and innovative tactics and technology solutions to sanely stay ahead of the game.

Feel free to reach out to me on email (include TheConnected.Buzz in the Subject) if you have any insights or feedback you’d like to share or have featured.


Kim Owens, editor, Kaffeine Buzz

Check out the latest issues:

12/06/2017 – Welcome to the NEW TheConnected.Buzz – AEG Studios, XLIVE, Where Live Streaming’s Headed + industry news

12/13/2017 – NEW TheConnected.Buzz – Live Streaming’s Digital Advantage, AR & VR’s Impact on Branding, Fans + XLIVE + Apple Acquires Shazam + industry news

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