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Various Artists – The Only Constant is Change – Volcom Entertainment

The Only Constant is Change

God, ain’t it the truth? The “change” theme of this compilation of unreleased and rare tracks not only coincides with a new generation of youth against the establishment, but also with the change in how music is recorded and delivered, going from vinyl, 8-track, and cassettes to today’s iPod. Old and new punks alike are in an era of political diversity, fighting to get our country back. And who better to lead our troops than the musicians that get us fired up to fight back?

Pennywise gets the party started with a live version of “My Own Country,” where they introduce the song to the crowd, “You guys are the fucking future. Take control.” With that reminiscent, echoing sound from the early eighties but recorded just this past May (in Scott Sheldon’s house and Stone Studio), theLINE’s “Buck Shot” seems to pay homage to The Clash, if unintentionally.

VAUX, who has since left Denver and Volcom for the greener pastures of Seattle and a major label, delivers one of my favorite tracks, “Switched On,” from their last release (their new EP Plague Music was finished this past May). A great follow up to the VAUX rox attack is Western Waste who are just the boys to get the mosh pit in a fury with “Were Dying.” Trophy Scars takes a quivery vocal style and sarcastic, screeching slant at life in a hospital on “Designed Like Dice (Crickets In Tune),” while Brazil got me wanting more with “Paradise and Iron,” filled with frozen 7-Up fizz and slivers of Vodka-laced libation.

As with most compilations, you get to take a listen to bands you may not have heard of before without having to wait for streaming and downloads from your computer. This one flat out rocks and entertains from the beginning of the first CD to the end of the second. Take it on a jog to help remind you that you’re close to passing out in the summer heat, bring it with you on snowboarding trip once the winter months come our way, or listen to it on your way the Van’s Warped Tour to get you pumped and in the mood for music lovin’.